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Typography Guide

HEADLINE 1 – DinCond-Light, 90pt

[vc_whynot_blog section=”page-headline01″ whynot_content=”What is Regulatpro® Bio?”]Enter the text[/vc_whynot_blog]

HEADLINE 2 – DinCond-Light, 70pt

[vc_whynot_blog section=”page-headline02″ whynot_content=”Young Again?”]Enter the text[/vc_whynot_blog]

SUBHEAD 1 – DinCond-Medium, 46pt

[vc_whynot_blog section=”page-subhead1″ whynot_content=”Give your body the best building materials”]Enter the text[/vc_whynot_blog]

SUBHEAD 2 – DinCond-Light, 48pt

[vc_whynot_blog section=”page-subhead2″ whynot_content=”Fermented liquid concentrates obtained through
Cascade Fermentation”]Enter the text[/vc_whynot_blog]

CAPTION 1 – DinCond-Medium, 31pt

[vc_whynot_blog section=”page-caption1″ whynot_content=”Voelkel biodynamic juices use only first-class quality raw materials from
organic and biodynamic cultivation. Voelkel ensures its products carry
tastes and nutrients imparted by nature”]Enter the text[/vc_whynot_blog]

BODYCOPY 1 – Din Light, 38pt

[vc_whynot_blog section=”page-bodycopy1″ whynot_content=”Regulatpro® Bio is a fermented liquid concentrate made from fresh fruits,nuts and vegetables grown under certified organic conditions. The liquidconcentrate is obtained through Cascade Fermentation™ of the ingredients,a patented process regarded as the pinnacle of fermentation in itsuniqueness throughout the world. By this method, the very essence of theplant is extracted, imbuing Regulats with their unique effectiveness.Numerous scientific studies have provided impressive confirmation of theresult. Regulatpro® Bio is produced by a German company who is a pioneerin the development of natural herbal remedies with over 75 years ofexperience. Regulatpro® Bio is a breakthrough innovation and its multiplehealth benefits are scientifically proven.”]Enter the text[/vc_whynot_blog]

BODYCOPY 2 – Din Light, 32pt

[vc_whynot_blog section=”page-bodycopy2″ whynot_content=”Do you look noticeably older than yourpeers? Have an undesirable body shape?Are you suffering from various ailments?Our body is made up of cells. Thus, dam-aged cells will affect the functions of ourorgans. This impairs our body fromabsorbing nutrients, consequently accel-erates the aging process and leads tovarious health conditions. What is theultimate solution? Get to the root of theproblems— repair and regenerate cells.When cells are restored, the organs willbe able to perform its functions properly.Healthy cells ensure normal body metab-olism, which in turn boosts nutrientsabsorption. Your body system will then beable to work well and result in a youngeryou. In addition, your body’s self healingability will improve, reducing the chancesof getting sick. Healthy body cells is thekey to a younger you.”]Enter the text[/vc_whynot_blog]
[vc_whynot_blog section=”page-bodycopy2″ whynot_content=”Do you look noticeably older than yourpeers? Have an undesirable body shape?Are you suffering from various ailments?Our body is made up of cells. Thus, dam-aged cells will affect the functions of ourorgans. This impairs our body fromabsorbing nutrients, consequently accel-erates the aging process and leads tovarious health conditions. What is theultimate solution? Get to the root of theproblems— repair and regenerate cells.When cells are restored, the organs willbe able to perform its functions properly.Healthy cells ensure normal body metab-olism, which in turn boosts nutrientsabsorption. Your body system will then beable to work well and result in a youngeryou. In addition, your body’s self healingability will improve, reducing the chancesof getting sick. Healthy body cells is thekey to a younger you.”]Enter the text[/vc_whynot_blog]
