What is Why Not REtreat?
“I could have saved myself from a painful yet costly operation if I knew this method earlier…”
Recently, that’s what we’ve been hearing from our customers. Fortunately, some of our customers chose fruit juices and ingredients of organic origin as simple natural remedies, avoiding painful and costly surgery.
These are just a few of the many successful stories coming from ancient and holistic detox therapies, which are highly recommended by Andreas Moritz (Author of “The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush”) and many renowned natural therapists.
In search for a more effective detox result and to lessen the discomfort of healing and recuperating from it, Why Not has created a comprehensive 3-step fruit detox program called Why Not REtreat:
STEP 1: Kidney REtreat
STEP 2: Gallbladder REtreat
STEP 3: Liver REtreat
*The above detox programmes are not recommended for pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, ladies during menstruation period, children below 10 years old, and people with kidney failure or heart diseases. However, they are advised to practise Sunflower Oil Therapy—a simple, gentle detox therapy suitable for everyone.
Why REtreat?
Why we're not just another detox ingredient
Detox is a big step, so choosing quality organic ingredients is vital for an optimum body detox.
Not all organic products are the same, which is why we recommend using Why Not?® products. With quality juices and oils that go beyond organic, you can ensure that you get the best detox experience available.
Biodynamic Juice, Why Not?®
• Certified organic & biodynamic.Juice with exceptional nutritional value and rich taste produced by passionate manufacturer with over 80 years of experience.
• 100% freshly pressed. No sugar added. Not from concentrates.
• 100% produced & bottled in Germany.

Biodynamic Juice, Why Not?®

• Certified organic & biodynamic.Juice with exceptional nutritional value and rich taste produced by passionate manufacturer with over 80 years of experience.
• 100% freshly pressed. No sugar added. Not from concentrates.
• 100% produced & bottled in Germany.
Why Biodynamic?
Biodynamic farming is organic farming that takes a step further.
It uses a more holistic approach that accounts for the seasons and ecological relationship in nature while revitalising and enriching the soilis revitalised and enriched with unique herbs preparations and natural minerals.
These time-proven practices deliver crops with exceptional life forces and potency while ensuring a balanced ecological environment.
Slow Oil, Emile Noël
• Traditional screw pressed. Slow-pressed below 60°C to retain antioxidants, essential fatty acids and flavour.
• 100% certified organic, from seeds to bottle.
• 100% made & packed in France.
• Extra fresh, direct from factory.
• Prevent oxidation. Packed indark bottle and nitrogen flushed.
• Rich, authentic flavour.

Slow Oil, Emile Noël

• Traditional screw pressed. Slow-pressed below 60°C to retain antioxidants, essential fatty acids and flavour.
• 100% certified organic, from seeds to bottle.
• 100% made & packed in France.
• Extra fresh, direct from factory.
• Prevent oxidation. Packed indark bottle and nitrogen flushed.
• Rich, authentic flavour.
Step 1: Kidney REtreat
DURATION: 10 days
SERVING: Lemon Juice*† 10 bottles (200ml each) For adolescents (10–14 years old), reduce the portion to half.
HOW: Take 6 fresh organic lemons or 1 bottle of lemon juice (200ml) daily for 10 days consecutively. Dilute the juice with at least 1.5 litres of drinking water. You may add honey to taste.
Citric acid from the lemon will dissolve the stones into fine sand-like particles which will be passed out through urination.
Remarks: Those with lots of kidney stones may feel some pain during the REtreat. To reduce the discomfort, extend the REtreat period from 10 days to 20 days by drinking half bottle(100ml) of lemon juice diluted with 1.5 litres of water daily.
Why kidney flush?
Our kidneys perform several life-sustaining roles: They filter about 180 litres of blood everyday, removing excess fluid and toxic waste metabolised by liver cells through urination. Kidneys maintain the balance of salt and minerals in our blood, controlling blood pH and regulating blood pressure.
When our kidneys are unable to process toxins efficiently, kidney stones will form. It is a crystallisation of unprocessed mineral buildup, causing pain, and possible blockage of urine flow.
Inadequate fluid intake, high intake of animal protein, high-salt or excessive sugar intakes, acidic drinks such as carbonated drinks, beer, coffee and tea can cause stone formation. People with medical conditions such as gout, diabetes, high blood pressure; and those on long-term medication are at higher risk of developing kidney stones. Besides, emotions such as fear and anxiety cause further stress on our kidneys.
When do you do it?
Kidney REtreat is not only for people who are diagnosed with kidney stones. It should be done at least once a year even for a healthy person, to purify and revitalise the kidneys.
• Back pain and blood in the urine
• Burning sensation when urinate
• Cloudy and bad smelling urine
• Water retention
• Bone related problems, especially at the knee, lower back and teeth
• Cold hands and feet (sign of poor blood circulation)
• Prone to skin allergy and infections
• Insomnia, fatigue
• Ear infection, tinnitus
• Hair fall
• Blur vision
• Premature aging, dull and sluggishness
• Sexual dysfunction
• Often experience emotional stress such as worry, fear and anxiety
Helpful tips
1. Drink plenty of water to enhance elimination and to prevent more kidney stones from forming.
2. Drink the diluted lemon juice mixture and rinse your mouth with water after drinking to prevent frequent contact of lemon juice with the tooth enamel.
3. Adopt a vegetarian diet or cut down on animal protein. Go on a low fat and low salt diet throughout the REtreat.
4. After the Kidney REtreat, you may drink 2 teaspoons of organic lemon juice everyday before breakfast to keep your kidneys healthy.
5. Lemons are incredibly alkaline food and are rich in Vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant. You may experienced an improved skin condition, increased energy level, reduced body odour and better bowel movement during or after the Kidney REtreat. Besides, lemon juice helps to promote calcium absorption and prevent osteoporosis.
6. The following organic herbs and beans have natural diuretic properties helpful for kidney cleansing. Consume throughout the REtreat:
• Birch tea
• Stinging nettle tea
• Corn hair/silk tea
• Dandelion tea
• Rosehip tea
• Parsley
• Black beans, red kidney beans
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Step 2: Gallbladder REtreat
DURATION: 6 days
Apple Juice*† 8 bottles (750ml each)
Lemon Juice*† 125ml
Olive Oil* (Extra Virgin) 125ml
Epsom Salt 2 tsp
- Drink 4 glasses (1 litre) of organic apple juice (or eat 4 to 5 organic apples) per day for 6 days consecutively. Apple juice helps to soften gallstones.
- On the sixth day, stop eating after lunch but continue to drink apple juice. At 6pm, take 1 teaspoon of epsom salt in a glass of warm water. Repeat the same at 8pm. At 10pm, mix 125ml of lemon juice with 125ml of olive oil in a shaker, shake well and drink. Lemon juice helps to soften the bile duct. Olive oil stimulates excretion of bile which helps to flush stones out of body.
- Right after drinking the mixture, lie down on your right, bend your knees and move them towards your chest (as illustrated). Stay in the position for at least 20 minutes. This helps to release the gallstones.
- On the seventh day, softened stones will be passed out through the bowel as floating particles with size as big as strawberry or as fine as a grain of sand.
Remarks: Gallstones may not be completely softened and flushed out if they are too hard. If no stones has flushed out after the first REtreat, you may need to repeat the REtreat within 3 weeks. Drink chamomile tea frequently before the REtreat helps to dissolve the calcified stones more effectively.
For diabetic patients: To avoid fluctuation in blood sugar level, it is recommended to eat 6 organic green apples a day to replace apple juice. Precaution: Avoid performing Gallbladder REtreat during cold & flu.
Why gallstone flush?
If the flow of bile is weak, causing it to remain constantly stagnant in liver, there will be higher risk of sediment formation which resembles stones, sand or mud in the gallbladder.
Since the gallbladder acts as a reservoir for bile, it becomes less efficient when clogged with sediments, causing acute problems when stones are lodged in the bile duct leading from the gallbladder to the duodenum. Gallbladder REtreat clears residues from the liver as well.
When do you do it?
Most people with gallstones (up to 80%) have no obvious symptoms. Oftentimes, they are surprised to see the number of stones flushed out after they have done the REtreat.
• Indigestion, belching and bloating
• Intolerance for fatty or greasy food
• Bitterness in the mouth, tightness in the chest
• Periodic pain under the right rib cage, painful and discomfort when pressed
• Tension in the shoulders and at the back of the neck
• Black spots and pigmentation on skin
Helpful tips
1. Go on a vegetarian diet throughout the REtreat, avoid alcohol, oily and cold food; drink at least 2 to 3 litres of water daily.
2. For optimum results, 6 to 8 times of consecutive Gallbladder REtreats are recommended (with resting interval of not more than 3 weeks in between REtreats), until no stones are flushed out in 2 consecutive REtreats. You may repeat Gallbladder REtreat twice a year for maintenance thereafter.
3. Chronically ill people are advised to do gallstone flush to assist in their recovery.
4. People who have had their gallbladder removed are advised to do Gallbladder REtreat once every 3 months, to help remove stones from bile ducts in the liver.
5. It is recommended to do Gallbladder REtreat before Liver REtreat or before taking any liver remedies.
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Step 3: Liver REtreat
Remedy by Jack Schwartz
DURATION: 10 days
SERVING: Lemon Juice*† 2 tbspOlive Oil* (Extra Virgin) 1 tspMolasses* 1 tbspCayenne Pepper* 1 pinchWarm Water ½ cup For adolescents (10–14 years old), reduce the portion to half.
HOW: Mix well and drink first thing in the morning for 10 days continuously.
Remarks: During Liver REtreat, some may experience discomfort such as headache, fatigue, indigestion, etc. These are the reversal syndromes indicating that our body is recovering gradually from imbalance. The symptoms will disappear and you will soon regain your vitality.
Why liver flush?
Our liver (the largest internal organ) is perhaps the most congested of all organs in our body. Pesticides, food additives, hydrogenated fat, fried food, alcohol, smoking, synthetics found in household, beauty and personal care products and medicines, etc can all disrupt the hundreds of intricate biochemical processes in the liver.
Radiation exposure from mobile phones, computers, especially wireless devices is another silent liver killer. As most of us are spending lots of time using these devices, it has become a critical health issue.
Liver disharmony is closely associated with emotional stress such as anger, impatience, frustration, hatred and anxiety. Such emotions can increase blood acid level and intoxicate the liver.
When do you do it?
It is hardly possible to avoid both environmental and emotional harms, hence, aliver cleansing has become essential.
• Constantly feeling angry, frustrated or depressed, prone to mood swings or overly emotional
• Tiredness, sleep disorder (waking up in the middle of the night)
• Dark circles under eyes, dull skin
• Bad breath, body odour
• Coated tongue
• All kinds of skin diseases
• Oily hair, hair fall
• Constipation
Helpful tips
1. Liver performs at its peak from 1am to 3am. Overworking, sleeping or eating too late will interfere with liver detoxification. Practice taking early dinner, eating smaller portions and sleeping before 10pm are best for your liver.
2. The liver is the warmest organ of our body. Hot compress using yarrow or chamomile tea improves liver health. Begin with once daily for a week, followed by 3 times a week for another month.
3. Eat high fibre food to prevent constipation. Toxic waste stuck in the colon can be reabsorbed into the blood stream, causing self-poisoning and further burden to the liver.
4. Liver purifying food:
• Artichoke
• Dandelion tea
• Yarrow tea
• Bitter melon tea
• Milk thistle
• Fenugreek
• Turmeric powder
• Organic wheat grass, barley grass and chlorella—the richest source of chlorophyll. Excellent to purify blood and to nourish your liver.It is recommended to consume before dinner. For better results, take before every meal. It is recommended to take one serving every 2 hours when you work late at night.

You may think that gallstones only form in the gallbladder, but the factis, most gallstones are formed in the liver (as illustrated). This is the main culprit for liver congestion and related diseases. Hence, it is important to do Gallbladder REtreat to remove stones from the liver and gallbladder before doing Liver REtreat.
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Extra: Sunflower Oil Therapy
DURATION: 15–20 minutes daily
SERVING: Organic cold-pressed Sunflower Oil
- Do it first thing in the morning before brushing your teeth and before taking any drinks or meals.
- Hold 1 tablespoon of organic sunflower oil in your mouth. Rinse backwards and forwards without excessive pressure for 15 to 20 minutes. Make sure to swill (push, swirl and pull) the oil in your mouth and between the teeth. Meanwhile, exercise your jaw as if you are chewing to stimulate the salivary glands. DO NOT SWALLOW any of the oil as it is full of toxins and germs extracted from your body circulation system
- Spit out the oil, rinse your mouth with water several times and brush your teeth thoroughly.
- Clean your sink and toothbrush thoroughly because the mixture you spit out contains lots of toxins and germs.
- Oil spat out after swilling should appear milky white.
- For some people, especially those with chronic illnesses, may experience worsening condition when first started oil therapy. According to Dr Karach, this is a reversal syndrome. It is a good indication that the diseases in your body are progressively being healed.
- Acute illnesses usually improve in 2 to 3 days. Chronic illnesses may take up to 1 year. Do not give up. Continue the therapy until you experience better sleep quality and feel refreshed in the morning with a healthy appetite and significantly improved memory.
- An excellent therapy to be practised daily on a long-term basis for its promising healing benefits and overall health maintenance.
Sunflower oil therapy (oil pulling) is a simple yet amazing natural detox therapy you can easily do at home. It is an ancient Ayurveda practice of oil gargling that is effective in healing a wide variety of diseases, which are otherwise typically being treated with surgery or strong medication that may cause serious side effects.
Using oil pulling therapy, Dr Karach, a Ukrainian physician had successfully healed a chronic leukaemia patient who had undergone 15 years of harsh medical treatment; he had also healed an acute arthritis patient, who was totally bedridden.
This therapy heals and purifies the whole body in perpetuity. With this sunflower oil therapy, many have experienced its healing benefits from diseases and conditions such as:
- Headaches /Migraine
- Sinusitis / Bronchitis
- Asthma
- Heart disease
- Arterial thrombosis
- Chronic blood disorders such as leukaemia
- Neurophysiological paralysis
- Lymphatic system diseases
- Cancer
- Arthritis
- Eczema
- Gastroenteritis
- Periodontitis
- Kidney disease
- Meningitis
- Diabetes
- High blood pressure
- Hormonal imbalance
- Periodontal diseases: Strengthen loose tooth, improve circulation in the gums, improve growth and whitening of the teeth.
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